The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Panja was a male Siberian tiger who resided at an unknown location (somewhere in Asia.) He’s currently a Great Animal of the Past. He was a member of Varya’s Streak. He was also the mate of Varya and the father of Feliks, Polina and Pasha. Unfortunately he was murdered by Shaitaan (the same tiger who murdered Queen Rani’s parents with a rockslide.)


Panja’s fur was orange with black stripes. His eyes were teal coloured and his nose was brown. His neck fur was large and white. His muzzle, paws and underbelly were cream in colour. His ears were black with pink inner ears. His tail was also tipped with black. His muzzle was small and he had a stocky build.


Panja was very wise and was a caring father to infant Feliks, Polina and Pasha.
