The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Outlands is an area, located next to the Pridelands and the Backlands. It is ruled by a female hyena named Jasiri. The outlands used to be a very hostile place, as the predators there used to not respect the circle of life. However that changed after Scar’s Ghost defeat and after Jasiri became the leader. The outlanders are now neutral towards the Pridelanders. It is still a hostile place in terms of the scarce amount of plants and prey animals that live there. Still, the outlanders manages to get enough food to eat.


The outlands is a cold and bare place with lots of rock formations. There is a watering hole where Jasiri’s Clan live. Further out is the termite mound where Zira’s Pride used to live. There is also the Elephant Graveyard in the outlands, where Simba and Nala was chased by hyenas when they were cubs. There is little plants that live there, and lots of dead trees.


Jasiri’s Clan - Hyenas

Reirei’s Pack - Jackals

Kiburi’s Float - Crocodiles

Mzingo's Committee - Vultures

Former Groups[]

Zira’s Pride - Lions (formerly)

Janja's Clan - Hyenas (formerly)

Mjomba’s Pack - Aardwolves (temporarily)

Other Animals[]

Other prey animals probably live here, feeding on insects and plants that are available
