The Lion King Fanon Wiki

The Outlands are a bordering territory of the Pride Lands. It used to be the home of Zira and her pride, but is now home to several groups of animals known as the Outlanders.


The Outlands is very barren and dry. Where Zira's pride lived, it was infested with termites and, according to Zira, had "little food, [and] less water...[than the Pride Lands]". There were many termite mounds, some so big that lions could live or sleep inside them. The sky was orangish-red during the day and more red at sunset. There were small trees and plants scattered about, many bones of unfortunate animals and the ground was dry and cracked.

Where the Outlanders lived, the area is grayer and dismal, because of frequent ash clouds, and an active volcano was in the midst of the area. Because of the lack of food, many animals resorted to fighting amongst themselves or invading the Pride Lands to seek food.

In another section, there is a waterhole infested by crocodiles, a brighter sky, and more shrubbery.

Notable residents[]

Former residents[]


  • Most of the former Outsider lionesses are more introverted than born-Pride Lander lionesses, and often prefer the company of each other.
  • Janja and Jasiri are the rulers of the Outlands, with Asante assisting them in ruling.
  • The Outlands is a much more peaceful place now, with no more friction between Outlanders and Pride Landers.
  • This is where Kovu and Kiara first met as cubs.
  • Even though they lived in the same home as them, Zira's pride often treated hyenas poorly.