The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ostriches are birds that appear in The Lion King franchise.

This page uses Creative Commons Licensed content from the The Lion King Wiki. The list of authors can be seen in the page revision history (view authors).


Ostriches live in sub-Saharan Africa, occuring in semi-arid habitats like savannas. They are the fastest bird on land and lay the largest eggs of any living land animal. Even with their wings, they are flightless birds and use their wings for courtship. Contrary to popular myths, ostriches do not stick their head in the sand; when it senses danger, it flops to the ground, its head blending into the sand. They live in groups of up to one hundred individuals and have an established social hierarchy.

Ostriches usually weigh from 139 to 320 pounds, with exceptional male ostriches weighing up to 340 pounds. The feathers of adult males are mostly black, with white primaries and a white tail. However, the tail of one subspecies is buff. Females and young males are grayish-brown and white. The head and neck of both male and female ostriches are nearly bare, with a thin layer of down. The skin of the females' necks and thighs are pinkish gray, while the males' are blue-gray, gray, or pink, depending on subspecies. The average ostirch egg is 3.1 lbs but the biggest one was 5 pounds.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes ostriches, add it to this list.

  • The Lion Guard: A Celebration to Remember
  • The Lion Guard: Defending The Pridelands
  • The Lion Guard: Another Kupatana Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: Celebrating Kupatana
  • The Lion Guard: An Important Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Special Event
  • The Lion Guard: A Wonderful Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Joyous Occasion
  • The Lion Guard: An Important Event
  • The Lion Guard: An Amazing Day
  • The Lion Guard: A Memorable Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Wonderful Event
  • The Lion Guard: A Perfect Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Momentous Occasion
  • The Lion Guard: A Special Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Wonderful Occasion
  • The Lion Guard: A Beautiful Occasion
  • The Lion Guard: A Joyous Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: An Amazing Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: A Beautiful Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: An Exceptional Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: The Savannah Summit
  • The Lion Guard: The Kumbuka Celebration
  • The Lion Guard: Protecting A Friend
  • The Lion Guard: Defending Mbuni
  • The Lion Guard: Protecting Kambuni
  • The Lion Guard: Protecting Haraka
  • The Lion Guard: Protecting Pudini

Ostriches on this Wikia[]

All ostriches that are on this Wikia can be found Here

