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The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Uheri managed to keep Mapigano from succumbing to your influence. I knew I made the right decision when I left the leap, I've found my own path to follow, not yours or Dad's.
―Orji to Makucha

Orji is a adult male leopard who is the son of One-Eye and the brother of Makucha. He lives in the Back Lands.

Appearance []

Orji is a large, battle-scarred stocky leopard that has a beige-yellow pelt, broken by patches of lighter fur on his muzzle, paws, chest, and underbelly. He has light brown rosettes, outlined in black; while some are regular rosettes, other patches near his flank and especially his tail are more warped and brindled. He has a black nose with a black ridge atop it, as well as black ears with a singular spot on them. His inner ears are pink, and his eyes are dark green with yellow sclerae.

Personality []

Orji contrasts to that of his brother. While Makucha is selfish, violent, and greedy, Orji is responsible, and wouldn't take more than his share in the Circle of Life. He is also much more reserved and kind, though has a short temper.

History []


Orji, along with his brother, Makucha, were born to One-Eye. Despite his father's ruthless teachings to Makucha, Orji grew out of this toxic environment and chose to help the Circle of Life rather than harm it, much to Makucha's chagrin.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Orji reveals himself to the rest of Makucha's Leap, telling Makucha that he's aware of his scheme. Makucha questions if he's come back to the leap at last, but he denies this, refusing to watch him kill animals. Scoffing, Makucha remarks that he's always acted more like Uheri and Mapigano, but Orji retorts that he made the right decision leaving the leap - and he's found his own path to follow. He bounds off, and Makucha asks the leap if they wish to follow his brother, but they remain loyal to him. Later, Ullu announces that Janna has a visitor, and she instructs her to bring them inside. Orji enters, shocking Janna and Nguruma, who quickly believes that he is Makucha. However, he clarifies that he is Makucha's malevolent brother, Orji - he came to warn them that his brother is planning to attack the Tree of Life's residents. Makini states that it already happened, horrifying Orji, and panicking, he apologizes for coming too late. Sympathizing with him, Janna urges him to calm himself and sit in front of her, and trusting the elderly lioness, he obliges. She murmurs that they're going to interrogate him, as he has valuable information on Makucha that could prove useful, and accepting the terms, Janna begins.

She questions why he came so late if he knew Makucha was planning attacks, and Orji explains that he was going to come sooner - but a harmattan hit the Back Lands - and after it, the territory experienced days of heavy rain. Kenene murmurs that it's understandable, asking if he knows what species of animals Makucha wants to attack, and he responds that it's any animal Makucha can get his teeth on. Nguruma inquires as to why he didn't stop his brother's plans from the start, and Orji confesses that he was up against his whole leap and a brother who hated him for not following in their father's pawsteps. However, what he does now is for the good of the Tree. He asks Janna for permission to stay at the Tree indefinitely in order to stop Makucha, which she grants, citing that his information will aid them. Ullu flies up to him, stating that he can stay in Marsh Forest for the time being. As they head there, they hear voices, and wondering what's going on, Ullu flies up. She notices Mama Binturong and her army of predators, Makucha among them, and she reports her findings to Orji, who asks what she heard, but she replies that she didn't get close enough to hear anything. He says that this is their chance to see what they're planning, and the two rush to the Mountain Pass, hiding behind a boulder. Upon hearing that the predators want to overthrow the monarchy, Orji whispers that they have to do something, but in the process, he accidentally gives them away. Chuluun shrieks that they're spying, startling Ullu out of her spot.

Both try to run to the Tree of Life, but they are stopped by Mama Binturong. Fahari is infuriated at the sight of Orji, demanding why he thinks he's welcome here after refuting Makucha, calling him scum and scarring him on the face. He retorts that he didn't stain his paws with blood, slashing at his flank, and growling, Fahari pins him to the ground and claws at his belly and side. Ullu attempts to fly off, but is restrained by Smun and Spike; she sees the bloody battle between Fahari and Orji continue, with Orji bleeding in a few places while Fahari is missing clumps of fur, his chin matted with blood. Once Ullu escapes, Orji seizes an opportunity and throws Fahari into a rock, fleeing to find Makucha, though his efforts are unneded, as Kion soon defeats the predators with the Roar of the Elders. Weeks later, the Lion Guard, Makini, and Nguruma encounter Orji as they travel through Mirihi Forest and allow him to climb up a tree in peace.


Trivia []

  • Orji is voiced by Blair Underwood.
  • Orji is similar to Kovu in the sense that they are both generally good characters, but grew up in toxic environments.
  • The scars on his pelt were given to him by Fahari in Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy.