The Lion King Fanon Wiki
The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Stop getting in our way, you rotten hippo. We're feasting and there's nothing you can do to stop it!
―Ora to Beshte

Ora is an adult male komodo dragon who lived on Dragon Island in Leopon Plains. He is the leader of his bank and a member of Mama Binturong's Army.

He is an antagonist in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Ora has swamp-green scales with darker spots scattered around on his body. He has dark inner ears, a pale olive-green patch on his underbelly, black claws, and dark olive eyes with yellow sclarae.


Ora is a scary, violent, heartless, destructive, and temperamental individual. He is ferocious and stops at nothing in getting what he wants. He is also highly egotistical and self-centered.


Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Makucha's Leap is approached by Reth's Pride and a group consisting of komodo dragons and a monitor lizard, and Makucha asks who they are. Ora introduces himself and reveals that his bank is going to the Tree of Life to feast on its animals. Makucha introduces himself in turn, sharing his leap's quest to follow the Lion Guard to the Tree of Life in order to eat the rare and delicious residents living there. He presents Ora with an offer to join his leap in their mission, and he accepts, considering it intriguing. Later, Makucha's Leap and Ora's Bank arrive at the Mountain Pass. Out of nowhere, a binturong named Mama Binturong arrives, remarking that they are too flawed in their attacks. She effectively takes over as the leader of everyone around her. Shortly after, Mama Binturong says that it is time for their first attack, revealing that they have a reinforcement - a porcupine - much to Ora's skepticism.

Ullu sees them enter the Mountain Pass, and upon watching them target Cek's Flock at Winter Woods, she decides to warn the Night Pride; Rani recognizes Makucha and his leap. Once they find out everything, the Night Pride, along with Ullu, Kingiza, Mhina, and the Lion Guard, dash to Winter Woods and engage in a fight with the predators. During the battle, Ora corners Baliyo, biting his leg and paralyzing him temporarily. Angered, Rani slams into him, sending him flying into the members of his bank. After Mama Binturong is sprayed with Bunga's stink, she orders the army to retreat, and they run away from Winter Woods. Kion realizes that Makucha and his friends followed the Lion Guard as well, much to Rani's ire, and Mhina points out that they never asked to be followed by them or Reth's Pride. Later, the army of predators discusses what to attack next amongst themselves, and Chuluun suggests attacking camels, which Ora immediately dismisses because of how dangerous it would be. Mama Binturong, annoyed with the bickering, silences the army and reveals her intentions to get revenge on Bunga. Ora is one of the members to express his skepticism over the plan, but when she clarifies that they get to go after rare animals, he agrees to the plan.

Ora and his bank choose to go after the Amur leopards in Winter Woods, and noticing the attack, Ullu and Cara warn the Lion Guard and Night Pride. Immediately, half of the Night Pride on patrol rushes to Winter Woods, eventually defeating the komodo dragons. Later, Mama rallies her full army for their biggest attack yet, and Ora and his bank head to the Tree of Life, pushing a boulder in front of the entrance and trapping the Night Pride inside. As the residents plunge into chaos, the komodo dragons chase Kely's Troop before chasing Qinling pandas, tahrs, and Tasmanian tigers. Beshte and Ono try to stop them, only to get temporarily paralyzed by Ora and Putra, respectively; Ora warns Beshte that he can do nothing to stop them. When Kion arrives and begins to use the Roar of the Elders, Ora questions what the noise is, but Makucha retorts that he needs to act like a komodo dragon. Focusing on Ora, Kion roars at him, catapulting him into a tree. Soon, the predators are knocked out completely, and summoning a tornado, Kion picks them up and sends them far away from the Tree of Life.


  • Ora is voiced by Andrew Kishino.
  • It is unknown what happened to Ora nor his comrades following the events of The Dark Prophecy. However, they will not be returning as antagonists in the series.