Ono is a male egret. He is the daytime majordomo of the Tree of Life, and the smartest member of the Night Pride. He is formerly the smartest and keenest of the Lion Guard. He is also formerly of the Pridelands. His parents are unknown. His best friends are Kion, Beshte, Fuli, Bunga and Ullu.
Ono had white and pale yellow feathers, black eyes and a long, orange beak. His feet are orange and black. He has large orange crest feathers on his head, and has purple eye lids. His mark of the Night Pride is silvery in colour.
In Season 3 of the Lion Guard, his eyes were cloudy purple, due to being blinded by volcanic ashes while saving Bunga. The last few episodes, he is back to having black eyes as he is healed.
One of the more easygoing members of the Lion Guard and the Night Pride, Ono is difficult to faze. Even in the midst of an intense hunt, he responds good-naturedly to Bunga's abrupt interruption and greets his friends with delight. Friendly, attractive, and group-oriented, he is a bird who is used for spending time around other animals and is content to be part of a group.
Despite his sharp social skills and optimism, Ono is exceptionally blunt and unequivocal, so he is able to lay out his feelings without sugar-coating. In the face of a difficult battle, he shows more reservation than the others, admitting his own misgivings about the fight. In addition, he has a dry sense of humor, which he also employs with little reserve
Ono is by far the most down-to-earth, realistic member of the Lion Guard and the Night Pride, always thinking things through before jumping in. Perhaps this is in part because of his keen eye and ability to step back and assess before taking action. His intellect is sharp, and unlike some members of his team, he has the cleverness and patience to act on it.
When it comes to his role on the Lion Guard and the Night Pride, Ono is brave and has a knack for following the rules. He obeys Kion's orders without question and proves himself to be plucky and thrifty, considerably useful when it comes to scouting out a situation. His principles are clear in his willingness to fight with his full heart for the Circle of Life, and he is a valued member of the Lion Guard and the Night Pride for his intelligence and ability to see things from afar.
-Anga let Ono be the daytime majordomo, instead of her, because she believes Ono doesn’t need eyesight power to be a majordomo of the Tree of Life. She said, he is much smaller and harder to spot, like Ullu. And that a big eagle like her will be easy to spot by intruders.