Ono, Keenest of Sight, has decided to retire from the Lion Guard. But does that mean it's the end of his story? Defiantly not, not with new hatchlings to be kept under your wing! Two troublesome egrets, Demoni and Piga, Ono and Usiku's children, annoy Ono after the sad loss of a family member. And before he knows it, he's leader of the flock. Does he follow his heart, or choose what's best for him?
- Ono
- Kion
- Fuli
- Beshte
- Bunga
- Usiku
- Mfalme
- Demoni
- Piga
- Mwindaji
- Kiara
- Nala
- Simba
- Vitani
- Nuka
- Zira
- Kovu