The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Oba was an African lioness who resided at the Pridelands. She is now a Great Lion of the Past. She was a huntress of Simba's Pride. She was the daughter of Ziwa and Moto I, sister of Ayo, the mate of Mkumila and the mother of Naanda, Queen Sarabi, Dwala and Diku.


Oba had tawny gold fur with a lighter underbelly, paws and muzzle. She lacked ear rims, but had dark tawny inner ears. Her tail tuft was dark brown. Her nose is pink and her eyes were blue.


Despite being a huntress, she had a very gentle personality and really cared for her daughters, Naanda, Sarabi, Dwala and Diku. She wanted them to do well in learning how to hunt. As a great lion of the past, she became a lot wiser.


Mother: Ziwa

Father: Moto I

Brother: Ayo

Sister in law: Kenya

Nephew: Keyon

Niece in law: Nyala

Grandnephew: Alix

Adopted Grandnephew: Malka

Mate: Mkumila

Daughters: Naanda, Sarabi, Dwala and Diku

Son in law: Mufasa

Daughter in law: Adea

Grandson: Simba

Granddaughter: Kula

Adopted Grandsons: Leo and Mega

Granddaughter in law: Nala

Grandson in law: Tojo

Great-Grandsons: Kopa, Kion and Kondo

Great-Granddaughters: Kiara and Tulia
