The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Nzee is a female gazelle. She is the mother of Swala and a member of Swala's Herd.

She is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Tall and graceful, Nzee possesses the physical qualities of a typical gazelle. Her build is slight, her legs long, and her upper body sturdy. She has a pelt of light brown that is touched by patches of cream on her chest, neck, and face, all of which are outlined by darker fur. Like most gazelles, Nzee has black eyes.


Nzee has an authoritative air about her, responsible and unafraid of confrontation. She often acts in the best interest of the herd, though she is more than willing to work for the good of the Pride Lands when it is requested of her, seen when she helps put out a wildfire. She is also very fiery and can have a short temper.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

Wildfire Emergency[]

Nzee and her herd are caught in a massive wildfire at Mbali Fields; Fuli and Beshte arrive to put out the flames, later being joined by the rest of the Lion Guard and other Pride Landers. Once the fires are put out, Kion offers the gazelles a temporary residency in Acacia Savannah, which they accept.

The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]

Family []


  • Nzee is voiced by On Braly.