The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Nuka was a male lion. He was the oldest of Zira's children, the older sibling of Vitani and Kovu, and the brother-in-law of Kopa and Kiara. He died during TLK2, being crushed to death by some falling logs.

Physical appearance[]

Nuka was a scrawny male lion with a partially grown in black mane. He had red eyes, a black Outsider nose, and black claws that were always unsheathed. His fur appeared to be tannish colored in the beginning of TLK2, but then was shown to be a brownish-gray color later in the film (and seen in The Lion Guard). He has a small black beard on his chin, tufts of black fur in his ears, dark rings around his eyes, and a lighter colored muzzle, stomach, chest and paws. His fur was somewhat messy.


Nuka was bombastic, volatile, desperate and easily annoyed, with a temper that flared up in a moment. He was extremely jealous of his younger brother and sought Zira's attention greatly, to no avail. He gladly went along with all of his mother's plots and plans and took orders well as a fierce fighter. He did not shy away from attacking Simba, a much larger opponent than him. Excitable and energetic, his hyper-ness sometimes got him in sticky situations. As an older sibling, he often neglected his responsibilities and enjoyed teasing his siblings. He was persistent and aggressive at times as well. Only after his death did he finally receive the attention he longed for from his mother.


  • Nuka means "stink" or "bad smell" in Swahili. This probably refers to the fact that Nuka was annoying to several during his lifetime, until his death.
  • He was very jealous of Kovu, wishing to be "the Chosen One" instead, and tried to make his brother look bad.
  • Sometimes he annoyed Vitani and Zira.
  • In a deleted fanfiction of Caldafox's, it was stated that Dotty and Nuka were childhood friends.
    • It's unknown if this is still canon in her fanfics.
  • Nuka was annoyed at Jasiri and disliked hyenas in general.
  • He was the only Outsider who never betrayed his mother.
  • He was plagued by termites, which annoyed him greatly.