The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Nne is a male spotted hyena who resides at the Outlands. He is a member of Jasiri’s Clan. He was formerly a member of Janja’s Clan and a member of Scar’s Army. He is the brother of Tano.


Nne has grey fur, with a purple tint. His eyes are yellow and his nose is black. His underbelly is pinkish purple in colour. He has a dark grey mane on his shoulders, has a dark grey tail and dark grey paws and legs. His facial markings are a darker shade of his main pelt. His patches on his shoulders also has the same colour. His ears are rimmed with dark grey and has pink inner ears. His muzzle is short and round.


Nne is a very cunning, dishonest, and manipulative hyena, providing more ingenious schemes than even his leader can come up with. He will not hesitate to betray those which he feels are preventing him from reaching his goal or are slowing him down in the process, even if that individual happens to be his own leader. Despite losing frequently to Kion when he uses his Roar of the Elders, he constantly underestimates its true power. He seemingly drops these traits after being allowed into Janja's clan, as he is shown to be respectful of Janja again and fearful of Kion in "Rise of Scar. In Battle for the Pride Lands when Janja's clan switch sides, he and the rest of the hyena are shown to be happier with the Pride Landers.


Brother: Tano


His name means "four" in Swahili.
