The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Nne is a male spotted hyena who lives in the Outlands. He is the son of Shenzi, the brother of Janja and Kubali, and a member of Janja's Clan.


Nne is a stout hyena with dark brown-spotted two-tone brown fur, with darker brown present on the upper half on his body and sandy-brown on the lower half. He has a stout build that makes him small in comparison to his clanmates. He has a black mane and tail-tip and pink inner ears rimmed with brown; his left ear is missing the top and has several notches in it. His muzzle is brown, and a darker brown marking reaches up from his nose to his temple. His eyerims are around the shade of his muzzle. He has a creamy belly, dark brown paws, protruding canine teeth, a gray nose, and reddish eyes with yellow sclerae.


Nne is a very cunning, dishonest, and manipulative hyena, providing more ingenious schemes than even his leader can come up with. He will not hesitate to betray those which he feels are preventing him from reaching his goal or are slowing him down in the process, even if that individual happens to be his own leader. Despite losing frequently to Kion when he uses his Roar of the Elders, he constantly underestimates its true power.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Orphans[]

Nne and his clan participate in an attack on Thurston's Herd at Chakula Plains, driving the zebras to Big Ravine. The Lion Guard arrives to stop them, and Fuli slams Nne and Tano away. Kion soon sends Nne and his clan out of the Pride Lands with the Roar.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Nne is now an adult. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, he orders all three hyena clans to conquer Chekundu Cliffs. They cross the border, which gets the attention of Zazu, and he tells Simba, who tells him to warn the Lion Guard. Upon finding out, Kion sends Bunga, Ono, and Anga to Chekundu Cliffs, but it soon becomes clear that they need help. Simba sends Mshale's Lion Guard to Chekundu Cliffs, and they charge into the battle.



  • Nne is voiced by Beau Black.