Nirmala is an Asiatic lioness. She is the Healer at the Tree of Life, and a good friend of Rani.
Physical appearance[]
Nirmala is an adult Asiatic lioness with chestnut brown fur. She has a tan muzzle, chest, stomach, two large tan freckles above her stomach, and tan paws. She has blue eyes, brown eyebrows, and lighter colored rings around her eyes. A dark brown stripe goes down her back, and she has a dark pink nose. She has tan freckles by her eyes. Nirmala's ears are brown on top and pink inside. A pinkish flower is on her left ear, with two leaves.
Nirmala is a kind and gentle soul, who is soft-spoken, caring, and almost always patient. She is very wise, understanding and does not lose her cool or temper, thinking before she makes a decision. She cares about everyone who seeks help and wants them to be peaceful and relaxed while she helps them recover from injuries.
- Rani often entrusts Nirmala to rule the Tree of Life when she is away with Kion visiting somewhere.
- Nirmala means "Clean," "Pure," or "Clear" in Hindi or Sanskrit.
- "Arama karo" is Nirmala's catchphrase, which means "take rest" in Urdu.