The Lion King Fanon Wiki

With strength and respect, Night Pride, protect!
The Night Pride's catchphrase

The Night Pride is a group of animals that lives at the Tree of Life and defends their home. They are led by Rani and Kion.


The Night Pride was originally led by Rani and Baliyo's parents, Sãhasí and Ãnanda, who were to succeed Queen Janna in ruling the Tree of Life. However, they died of unknown causes when Rani was young, so she became next in line to rule the Tree of Life.

When the Lion Guard arrived at the Tree of Life, seeking healing for Kion's scar and Ono's eyesight, a misunderstanding caused the Night Pride to believe that the Guard was a threat, so after a short battle Rani forbid their entry. When Rani informed Queen Janna of this, however, the Queen made Rani welcome the Guard into the Tree of Life. Kion apologized for the earlier incident, which helped convince Rani that the Guard was not a threat.

Unknown to anyone, Makucha, and enemy of the Guard, had followed the group to the Tree of Life, and on the way had recruited an army to help him attack the Tree of Life, so they could all eat the rare animals that went there. Rani was very upset when she found out about this. The army of villains' frequent attacks caused several disputes between her and Kion.

Kion was uneasy and restless as he waited for his scar to heal from the snake venom that had afflicted him. Nirmala, the healer at the Tree of Life, assisted him greatly during this time, being patient with him even when he was snippy. Upon finding out the venom would heal, but the scar would forever be there, Kion was agitated, but would eventually come to terms with this while he stayed at the Tree of Life.

The two groups eventually managed to team up against the villains and get along better. Queen Janna soon died of old age, and Rani succeeded her as ruler, and Kion comforted her, the two sharing a tender moment. Rani soon accepted her place after an understanding talk from Kion. After Kion blasted away the villains with the Roar of the Elders, Rani was impressed. She soon developed feelings for Kion, having put aside her past hostility towards him. Later, the two confessed their love and Rani asked Kion to be her king. However, right after this Kion's Guard arrived, stating they were ready to go back to the Pride Lands. Before they left, Rani bid them all a special farewell, now considering them all apart of her pride. Janja and Jasiri, with Azaad, soon arrived and informed the Guard of Zira's attacks on Simba's pride, so the Guard had to go back. Makini, who had been with the Guard on their way to the Tree, announced she would now stay as Rani's royal advisor, so she also said goodbye to the Guard.

At the Pride Lands, Kion still thought of Rani. The Lion Guard gave their role over to Vitani and her recently formed team, knowing their place was now at the Tree of Life and to be at the Night pride. Thus, they returned there, Kion married Rani, and the Guard joined the Night Pride. Kion and Rani were now the King and Queen of the Tree of Life, and Azaad moved to the Tree of Life.

Months later, Nirmala and Surak were established as fill-ins for Kion and Rani whenever they went away on a trip, and Fuli and Azaad had a daughter named Penda.


Name Information Position Status Picture


  • Originally, the Night Pride was made up of all lions. But since Kion and Rani's marriage, they have welcomed non-lions into their family, too.
  • Azaad is not an official member of the Night Pride, nor is Penda, but they help out when they can.
  • The Night Pride is on good terms with Simba's pride and Vitani's Lion Guard.
  • Rani, Baliyo, Surak and Nirmala were the first Asiatic lions seen in The Lion King franchise.
  • All of the members have this in common: they are fiercely loyal to each other.

