The Lion King Fanon Wiki

With strength and respect, Night Pride protect!
―The Night Pride's catchphrase

The Night Pride is a pride of lions that live at the Tree of Life led by Jivin. They are the sworn protectors of the Tree of Life.

They are supporting characters in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

The Night Pride, as part of the Tree of Life delegation, arrives in the Pride Lands a day before the Pride Lands Games. Upon hearing this news from Zazu, Simba sends Kion and the Lion Guard to escort them back. After that is said and done, the prides mingle before heading inside to sleep. The next day, some members of the pride compete in the games, while some spectate.

Kion and Nguruma's Birthday[]

The Night Pride attends Kion and Nguruma's birthday celebration.

A Fragile Hope[]

The Night Pride members, mostly Jivin's family, gather around him worriedly as he is treated for greencough.

A Wonderful Royal Summit[]

Jivin, Maya, and Rani arrive in the Pride Lands and attend the Royal Summit.

The Likizo ya Mvua Celebration[]

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Jivin, Rani, and Baliyo, along with Kenene and Ullu, arrive in the Pride Lands. They are escorted to Pride Rock, and while Jivin stays to speak with Simba, Rani and Baliyo patrol with the Lion Guard. Inside the den, Jivin promises Simba that the Night Pride will help if there is a clash with the Outlanders. After their patrol, Rani and Baliyo reunite with their father and return to the Tree of Life. Later, members of the Night Pride make up the Tree of Life delegation that travels to the Pride Lands to hear Simba's news that Scar has returned. Some time afterward, the Night Pride is present outside the Tree of Life when Jivin reveals Scar's return.

When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, members of the Night Pride are gathered at the base of Pride Rock, and Simba assigns Jivin, Rani, and Baliyo to help Beshte and Fuli battle the jackals and crocodiles at Mizimu Grove. They rush there, finding the two overwhelmed, and they charge into battle. Shortly after, Rani, Baliyo, Surak, and Jivin help Simba's Pride fight off Kucha's Clan at Pride Rock, and watch as Scar addresses them. Minutes later, the Night Pride is still left in shock over Scar's appearance. Later, the Night Pride participates in the final battle for the Pride Lands.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

When the Lion Guard arrives at the Tree of Life, the Night Pride is gathered inside the Tree. After Rani takes the Guard on a tour of the area, Jivin gathers Maya, Surak, and Nirmala for the day patrol, and they head out. At Ciso River, Rani explains that the duty of protecting the Tree of Life and its ability to heal belongs to the Night Pride. At that moment, Kingiza arrives, revealing that he's come to help the Night Pride defend the Tree. The next day, the Night Pride gathers behind Janna as she heals Ono. After his sight is restored, the Night Pride patrols with the Lion Guard, heading to Rocky Mountains. When Reth's Pride attacks, most of the pride fends them off at the Tundra, with the exception of Rani, who fights at Marsh Forest. Following the defeat of Reth and his pride, the Night Pride regroups at Marsh Forest. Later, the Night Pride and Lion Guard relax outside the Tree of Life. Shortly after, the Lion Guard and Night Pride head off on a patrol of Desert Plains. Upon Ullu's report of a army of predators attacking Cek's Flock at Winter Woods, they rush off to fight them. Eventually, they are defeated, and Mama Binturong calls a retreat.

Later, Rani leads the Night Pride on a patrol with the Lion Guard and Kingiza. On another day, the Night Pride, Lion Guard, and Kingiza patrol Bamboo Woods. Shortly afterward, the Night Pride is patrolling Ciso River with the Lion Guard and Kingiza when Ullu and Cara fly up to them, frantically reporting that Saumu and his cats are under attack by Reth's Pride. Rani, mortified, leads the patrol to Marsh Forest. After a brutal and violent fight, Reth retreats with his pride, but not before warning that their next attack will be much more morbid. Shortly thereafter, the Lion Guard and Night Pride are patrolling Marsh Forest, but the calm atmosphere is interrupted when Ullu and Cara report that the army of predators has split up and are attacking in Bamboo Woods and Winter Woods. While the majority of the Night Pride rushes to Winter Woods, Fuli rushes to Bamboo Woods with the Lion Guard and a few members of the Night Pride. There, they fight Makucha's Leap, but everyone except for Bunga is subdued. However, Bunga is captured by Makucha and Smun's Prickle, unable to escape. However, this is quickly revealed to be false, as Bunga reveals himself to have never been restrained, using his stink to drive the army off.

The next day, the Night Pride patrols Rocky Mountains with the Lion Guard. A day later, the Night Pride patrols the Tundra and Desert Plains. When the predators attack, Ullu warns Jivin, Maya, Surak, and Nirmala, who rush to the Tree to warn Janna in turn. However, they become trapped when Ora's Bank pushes a giant boulder in front of the entrance, trapping the whole pride inside. Eventually, Kion comes to their rescue, defeats the predators, and frees the pride by summoning bolts of lightning to shatter the boulder. Weeks later, the Night Pride bids farewell to the Lion Guard, Makini, and Nguruma before they set off on the journey back to the Pride Lands.


Current members[]

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Deceased Members[]

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  • The Night Pride is similar to the Lion Guard in the sense that they bear their own custom symbol on one shoulder and guard their kingdom. Unlike the Lion Guard, however, the Night Pride sleeps during the day and act during the night unless an emergency comes up.