The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Night Pride:Kion's Nightmare is a fanfic written by billybug


When Kion has a nightmare about Rani's Death, He starts to become overprotective of her



(Nighttime at the Tree of Life)

King Kion:Are the cubs ready for sleep Love

Queen Rani:Yes

Lion Cubs:(Yawn) Night Dadda Mama

King Kion:Night, My Love 

Queen Rani:Night 

(In Kion's Dream)

King Kion:Well Done My Love With us protecting The Tree of Life No One can get in or out

Queen Rani:Yep


King Kion:Scar!!!! What are u doing here 

Scar:I'm here to Kill your wife and Love Rani

Queen Rani:KION HELP

King Kion:RANI!!!

(Scar Throws Rani off a cliff)

Queen Rani:KIOOON!!!

King Kion:RANI NOOOOOO!!!!

(King Kion wakes up)

King Kion:Nooo!!!!

Queen Rani:Kion Is everything alright

Lion Cubs:Dadda!!! Is everything alright

Queen Rani: It's nothing kids go back to sleep

King Kion:I had a bad dream 

Queen Rani:Oh well here let me give you some comfort

(Queen Rani Cuddles into Her mate's body)

King Kion:(Purrrr) Much better


Lion Cubs:(Yawn) 

Queen Rani:Morning Kids, Kion 

King Kion:(Yawn) Morning- No!!! Get Away from me

Queen Rani:What? Kion What are you talking about

King Kion:I Said Get Away!!!

Queen Rani:Ok, Kids come here

Lion Cubs: Mama, is Dadda going to be ok

Queen Rani:Yes, he will be

King Kion:I need to make sure my Love isn’t in any harm
