Night Pride:Return of Babysitter Bunga is a fanfic written by Billybug
King Kion and Queen Rani leaves their 6 lion cubs with Bunga to babysit so Kion and Rani can spend time together
- Kion (Billybug)
- Rani (Billybug)
- Rani Jr.
- Binti (Billybug)
- Kesi (Billybug)
- Chacha
- Kion Jr. (Billybug)
- Kiani
- Bunga (Billybug)
- Mapigano (Billybug)
- Sumu (Billybug)
- Kenge (Billybug)
Queen Rani: Rani Junior, Binti, Kesi dont touch that
Rani Jr, Binti, Kesi:Never, Mamma
King Kion: Chacha, Kion Junior Stop troubling other animals
Chacha & Kion Jr: But its fun Dadda
(At night in the tree)
Queen Rani: I thought we'd never rest
King Kion:Yeah, it's so hard keeping the 5 cubs from trouble
Queen Rani:At least Kiani didn't start any trouble
Kiani:I dont like trouble, i just want to be like you guys because I love you
Queen Rani & King Kion:We love you too
Queen Rani:I just wish there was someone out there who could babysit the other cubs
King Kion:I know just the someone
(In the Morning)
Bunga and Binga:Sure we'd be happy to babysit your cubs your majesties
Queen Rani:Great Just don't let them get into any trouble and keep them away from harm
King Kion:Cubs this is Bunga and Binga Your babysitter
(Cubs Look at Bunga and Binga)
Lion Cubs:Mamma, Dadda!
Queen Rani:It's Okay little ones You can trust Bunga
King Kion:Yeah, he's a good friend you can trust
Lion Cubs:But we want you here with us
King Kion:Don't worry cubs we'll be fine
Queen Rani:Yeah
to be cont.