The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Night Pride:Kion’s Sons and Daughters is a fanfic written by Billybug


When Rani gives birth to 6 new lion cubs, Kion isn't sure he's ready to become a father



Rani (Screaming):Ah

Kion:Rani, my love, what's going on?

Rani: Our babies, they're ready

Kion: They are, so soon?



(In the Tree)

Kion:I don't know if im ready to become a father yet

Nirmala: You are, Kion

Kion: But what if they think i'm a bad father, and, scary

Nirmala:They won't, trust your instinct

Rani: Kion, Meet your lion sons and daughters

Lion Cubs (to Kion): Dadda


Mpishi: Look at those delicious lion cubs better take them home to the gang


Kion: Cubs? Cubs! where are u?

Rani: Kion? What's wrong?

Kion: Our Cubs, they're gone, someone took em

Rani: What?!


Kion: Mpishi give my cubs back! Now!

Mpishi: Fraid not Kion! They're my Lunch

Rani: No! Don't eat Them

Mpishi: Too late they're my lunch and I get to eat them


Kion:Don't worry Love, I've got something that will scare her away for good


Mpishi: Wooooah

Kion: Cubs are u alright?

Lion Cubs:Yeah, we feel safe when you're with us Dadda


Rani: Kion my Love, What do u want to name the cubs?

Kion: I think we should name them Kion Junior, Rani Junior, Binti, Kiani, Chacha, and Kesi

Rani: Okay those are they're names then

Lion Cubs (Cuddling): Dadda, Mamma

Kion & Rani: Hm, What would we do without them
