Night Pride: Jacked Mind is a crossover fanfic written by billybug
Dr Blowhole Mind Jacks King Kion's Mind leading Queen Rani to trust 4 Brotherly Penguins
- Dr Blowhole
- Skipper
- Kowalski
- Rico
- Private
- Pinguino (Billybug)
(In Dr Blowhole's Lair)
Dr Blowhole:I must have that Lion's Roar so I can be the most powerful villain so set sail to the Tree of Life
(At the tree)
Ullu:Queen Rani, King Kion i spotted a strange dolphin coming up here
King Kion:Come on let's go stop him
Dr Blowhole:Too Late, I'm here and say goodbye to your memories King Kion (Mind Jacks Kion)
Queen Rani:NO!!!!
Dr Blowhole:Yes, now I have complete control of the Roar
Queen Rani:You're an evil dolphin
Queen Rani:I need a way to gain info about that dolphin that jacked Kion
Pinguino:Hey Queen Rani You looking for info about a dolphin
Queen Rani: Yes
Pinguino:Well I just happen to know 4 Penguins who can answer that
Queen Rani:Great Show me to them
Pinguino:Okay Penguins come on out
(Skipper Kowalski Rico and Private appear)
Queen Rani:Wha- Who are u
Skipper:We are an elite penguin team that you'll need to rescue your lion Friend I'm Skipper that's Kowalski and That's Rico and That's Private
(More Quotes coming soon)