The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ni is a male lion. He is an acquaintance of Nala, Kula and Chumvi during their cubhood. He is also the mate of Goldie and father of Hasina.

Physical appearance[]

Ni is a male lion who is smaller than average. He has golden, ungroomed fur, and lighter colored paws, muzzle, stomach and chest. His nose is reddish-orange. His eyes are red, and he has a brown mane and tail tip.


Ni is friendly, amiable and brave, and selfless in ways. He likes to call Nala "flaky", as he has a biting sense of humor. He was willing to risk his own life to save Nala, a stranger then, from hyenas. When he met Goldie, he was friendly with her and rather tolerant when she would interrupt him. He soon enjoyed being with the bright and happy lioness, which morphed into romantic love.


  • Ni's name means "am, is, are" in Swahili.
  • Nala mistook Ni as a young lion because of his size, and he told her with a laugh that he was just smaller than average.
  • Kula developed a small crush on him, calling him "cute" if he would groom his fur.
    • But later she became mates with Chumvi, growing out of her childhood crush.
  • Ni often snuck back into the Pride Lands as an adult. He may have been looking for food, or to visit his old friends.
  • Nala grew up and mostly forgot Ni, but he didn't forget her.
  • Goldie and Ni's son-in-law caused several problems for the Pride Landers, to their unknowing.