The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Nguruma and the Bully
Air Date
January 15th, 2019 (original)
November 23th, 2020 (re-release)
Episode Guide
The New Heroes
The Rogue Hyena

Nguruma and the Bully is the sixth episode of Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands.


Nguruma stands up for himself when Mapigano begins to regularly pick on him.

Transcript []

It was a peaceful day in the Pride Lands, Makini was taking Nguruma to Urembo River.

“Thanks for taking me to get a drink from the river, Makini.” Nguruma said, as they walked.

“You're welcome.” Makini said, as she guided Nguruma around a fallen tree branch.

“Is Kion patrolling with the Guard?” Nguruma asked.

Makini nodded.

“I think so.” Makini said.

When they reached Urembo River, Makini led Nguruma to the edge, and helped him crouch down, keeping a palm on his shoulder to steady him. Nguruma began to drink from the river.

“Let me know when you're ready to leave.” Makini said.

Nguruma nodded.

Suddenly, Mapigano appeared from behind a bush.

“Well, if it isn't the helpless blind prince.” Mapigano said.

Makini stepped in front of Nguruma, swinging her staff.

“Leave him alone, Mapigano.” Makini said.

“Who's gonna stop me? He can't even defend himself.” Mapigano said.

“Get out of here, Mapigano.” Nguruma said.

“How're you gonna make me leave? You can't even see me.” Mapigano said.

Meanwhile, the Lion Guard, joined by Mhina, was patrolling Ukuni Woods.

“Everything clear, Ono?” Kion asked.

“I'll check again.” Ono said, as he spread his wings and took to the sky.

He returned a moment later, and settled down on Beshte's back.

“Kion, Mapigano's in the Pride Lands. He's picking on Nguruma at Urembo River.” Ono said.

Kion and Fuli exchanged a glance.

“Come on, let's go.” Kion said.

He led the way to Urembo River.

When they arrived, Kion bounded forward.

“Leave my brother alone!” Kion called.

Mapigano chuckled.

“He's just a little helpless blind lion.” Mapigano said.

“He's my brother, and you have no business picking on him.” Kion said firmly.

By now, Fuli and Makini had guided Nguruma away from the edge of Urembo River.

“How're you gonna make me stop?” Mapigano asked.

Kion crouched down, unsheathing his claws.

“Prepare for a fight, or to be roared at if you won't leave Nguruma alone.” Kion said.

“I'm not afraid of you, or your roar.” Mapigano said.

“You really should be afraid.” Mhina said, from behind Kion.

“Why do you even care? He's just a helpless blind lion.” Mapigano said.

“I care because he's my brother.” Kion said.

He braced himself, and performed the Roar.

It sent Mapigano flying backwards.

Once Mapigano had bounded off, Kion turned to Nguruma and Makini.

“Are you two okay?” Kion asked.

Makini nodded.

“We're okay.” Makini said.

“Thanks for defending me, Kion.” Nguruma said.

“Of course.” Kion said.

Makini cleared her throat.

“I'd better go help Uncle Rafiki. See you later, guys.” Makini said.

“Bye, Makini.” Beshte said.

Makini bounded off towards Rafiki's Tree.

Kion and Fuli exchanged a glance.

“Nguruma and I should probably go home. I'll need to tell Mom and Dad what happened.” Kion said.

Fuli nodded.

“Dad's expecting me home. I'll come back tomorrow.” Mhina said.

“See you tomorrow, Mhina.” Kion said.

He watched as Mhina bounded off towards the border.

Kion's expression softened, and he brushed his tail comfortingly against Nguruma's flank.

“Are you ready to go, Nguruma?” Kion asked.

Nguruma nodded, leaning against Kion's side.

Kion began to guide him towards Pride Rock.

When they arrived, they saw Simba, Nala, Kovu, and Kiara settled down outside the den.

Simba and Nala glanced up as Kion approached, leading Nguruma.

“Everything okay, sons?” Simba asked.

“There was a situation with Mapigano, but Nguruma's fine.” Kion said.

“Kion saved me. He chased Mapigano off.” Nguruma said.

Kiara got up, and moved to help Nguruma settle down beside Nala.

“Well done, Kion.” Simba said.

“We're proud that you helped your brother.” Nala said, as she nuzzled Nguruma.

Simba cleared his throat.

“Let's go inside, it's getting late.” Simba said.

He led Nala, Nguruma, Kovu, Kiara, and Kion inside the den.

The next morning, Makini had taken Nguruma to Urembo River.

“Uncle Rafiki asked me to fetch some burdock roots. It won't take long. Then I'll take you back to Pride Rock.” Makini said.

“Okay.” Nguruma said.

Makini moved towards a tree near the riverbank, and knelt down.

Suddenly, Mapigano appeared from behind a bush.

“You're back again? Is your brother here to stand up for you?” Mapigano asked.

Instantly, Makini moved to stand in front of Nguruma, swinging her staff.

“Get out of here, Mapigano.” Makini said.

“Ha! Neither of you can defend yourselves against me. You can't even fight.” Mapigano said.

He lunged forward, knocking Makini away from Nguruma, and pinning Nguruma to the ground. Nguruma yelped, and struggled to free himself.

Mapigano growled loudly, and unsheathed his claws.

“You're just a mouse-brained helpless blind lion. You can't defeat me on your own. You need your brother to fight your battles for you.” Mapigano said.

He raked his claws against Nguruma's flank, and stepped off of him.

Makini rushed to help Nguruma to his paws, and they rushed off.

Meanwhile, the Lion Guard, joined by Mhina, was patrolling Embamba Canyon.

“Everything seems quiet, Kion.” Ono reported.

“Good. We'll patrol Ukuni Woods next, then head back to the lair.” Kion said.

Suddenly, Makini rushed up to them, guiding Nguruma.

“Kion, Mapigano attacked us. He hurt Nguruma.” Makini said frantically.

“What? What happened?” Kion asked.

“We were at Urembo River, collecting burdock roots for Uncle Rafiki, and he confronted us.” Makini said.

Fuli moved forward, and examined the scratches on Nguruma's flank.

“He scratched him pretty badly.” Fuli said.

“I put a poultice on it. He should be okay.” Makini said.

“Thanks, Makini.” Kion said.

He moved forward, and pressed his muzzle against Nguruma's cheek.

“I'm sorry, Nguruma. Are you okay?” Kion asked.

“They're just scratches. I'll be fine.” Nguruma said.

“What'll we do, Kion? Go kick Mapigano's tail?” Bunga asked.

“No. We weren't helping Nguruma by fighting Mapigano for him. We need to teach Nguruma how to stand up for himself.” Kion said, his tail wrapped protectively around Nguruma's flank.

“How do we do that?” Ono asked.

Beshte cleared his throat.

“I can teach him how to be strong, and have confidence in himself.” Beshte said.

“Good idea, Beshte. You can do it at Flat Ridge Rock.” Kion said, wrapping his tail tighter around Nguruma's flank.

He led the way to Flat Ridge Rock.

When they arrived, Beshte led Nguruma over to a large rock.

“Okay, there's a rock in front of you. Push against it.” Beshte said.

Nguruma nodded, and began to push against the rock, his weight shifting it slightly.

“Great job, Nguruma!” Kion called, from where he stood watching, with Mhina, Makini, Ono, Fuli, and Bunga.

“How do you feel, Nguruma?” Makini asked.

“I'm fine. This isn't so hard.” Nguruma said.

“Do you feel stronger?” Beshte asked.

Nguruma nodded, and Beshte gently shifted him away from the rock.

“Okay, Nguruma. That was great.” Beshte said.

“What now?” Nguruma asked.

“How did pushing the rock make you feel?” Beshte asked.

“I felt like I could push it over, I felt confident.” Nguruma said.

“That's great. You can use that confidence against Mapigano.” Beshte said.

Kion stepped forward, brushing his pelt against Nguruma's.

“Okay, Bunga and I will show you how to not back down, and look imposing.” Kion said.

“We can do it in Rocky Plains.” Bunga said.

Kion led the way to Rocky Plains.

When they arrived, Kion guided Nguruma over to a boulder, and helped him climb onto it.

“You're on top of a boulder. Bunga's below you, and I'm next to you.” Kion said.

“Can you hear me, Nguruma?” Bunga asked.

“Close your eyes, and concentrate on Bunga's movements. Tell me what he's doing.” Kion said patiently.

Nguruma closed his eyes, straining his hearing.

“Bunga's moving rocks. Sounds like he's putting them on top of a bigger one.” Nguruma said.

“That's right, Nguruma. What else can you hear?” Kion prompted, flicking his tail.

Behind him, Fuli was moving slowly towards Nguruma.

“Fuli's behind me, trying to sneak up on me.” Nguruma said.

“Great job. You did it, Nguruma.” Kion said proudly.

He helped Nguruma climb off of the boulder.

“You're doing great, Nguruma.” Kion said.

Fuli came up, brushing her tail against Nguruma's flank.

“We're almost done. Just me, Mhina, and Ono's tests now.” Fuli said gently.

“What's your test?” Nguruma asked.

“Mhina and I are going to show you how to assert yourself.” Fuli said.

“With a demonstration.” Mhina said.

“You can do it in Ukuni Woods.” Kion said.

He led the way to Ukuni Woods.

When they arrived, Kion helped Nguruma settle down underneath a tree, pressing his pelt close to Nguruma's.

Fuli and Mhina moved to stand in front of him.

“Can you hear us, Nguruma?” Fuli asked.

Nguruma nodded.

“Okay. There's a stick behind me. We're acting as if Fuli's trying to take it from me, but I'm not going to let her.” Mhina said.

He crouched down, unsheathing his claws.

“This is my stick. You can't take it from me.” Mhina said.

“Oh really? Says who?” Fuli asked.

“Says me.” Mhina said.

“Are they really fighting?” Nguruma asked.

“No, it's just a demonstration.” Kion said reassuringly.

“Fine. Keep your stick.” Fuli said.

“Good job, guys.” Kion said.

He stood up, and helped Nguruma to his paws.

“Okay, it's Ono's turn. He's going to teach you how to relax, and not stress.” Kion said.

“We can do it here.” Fuli said.

“Do this breathing exercise with me, Nguruma. Breathe in, and breathe out.” Ono said.

He watched as Nguruma did the exercise.

“Good job. Try it again.” Ono said.

Nguruma repeated the breathing exercise.

“One more time.” Ono said.

Nguruma repeated the breathing exercise again.

“Great job, Nguruma. How do you feel?” Ono asked.

“I feel relaxed.” Nguruma said.

Kion pressed his muzzle against Nguruma's.

“You're doing a great job.” Kion said.

“Are you ready to face Mapigano again?” Bunga asked.

Nguruma nodded.

Ono spread his wings, and took off.

“Mapigano's at Urembo River again.” Ono said.

“Let's go.” Kion said.

He led the way to Urembo River.

When they arrived, Mapigano glanced up.

“You gonna have your brother fight for you again?” Mapigano asked.

“No. I'm not scared of you, Mapigano. And I'll never be scared of you again.” Nguruma said.

“You're not scared of me? Did you forget that I'm older than you, bigger, and stronger? And I can actually see what's in front of me.”  Mapigano said.

“I have confidence in myself. 'Cause I know what I can do. And I'm not afraid to prove it.” Nguruma said.

“Step closer and say that.” Mapigano said.

Nguruma moved forward, following Mapigano's scent.

“Is this close enough?” Nguruma asked.

Mapigano's eyes widened, and he backed away.

“Was that too close? I told you, I'm not scared anymore. I have confidence now.” Nguruma said.

Suddenly, Nala approached, Uheri following.

“Here they are. My sons and your son.” Nala said.

Uheri stalked forward to stand in front of Mapigano.

“The queen says that you bullied her son yesterday, her blind son. And I've also heard that you've injured him today.” Uheri said.

“He deserved it. He's a helpless blind cub.” Mapigano said.

“No cub deserves to be bullied by someone that's older than they are. I'm so disappointed in you. I did not raise you to be like your father.”  Uheri said.

She turned to Nala, who had moved to stand beside Nguruma.

“I apologize for my son, your majesty. It won't happen again.” Uheri said.

Nala nodded.

Uheri grasped Mapigano's scruff, and began dragging him towards the border.

Once they'd gone, Nala began examining the scratches on Nguruma's flank.

“What happened, honey?” Nala asked.

“He attacked Makini and I earlier, and scratched me. I'm fine.” Nguruma said.

Nala brushed her tail soothingly against Nguruma's flank.

“Zazu told me he saw you training with Kion and the Guard. I'm so proud of you.” Nala said.

“Thanks, Mom.” Nguruma said.

From behind Kion, Mhina cleared his throat.

“I need to go. Dad's expecting me home.” Mhina said.

“See you later, Mhina.” Kion said.

He watched as Mhina headed towards the border.

He moved forward, and nuzzled Nguruma's cheek.

“You're my brother. My twin. I will always defend and protect you. Even if you've learned to stand up for yourself.” Kion said.

“Thanks, Kion.” Nguruma said.

“Come on, sons. Let's go home.” Nala said.

She began to lead the way to Pride Rock.

Appearances []

Characters []

  • Lyons Luke Mathias as Nguruma
  • Max Charles as Kion
  • Henry Kaufman as Mhina
  • Joshua Rush as Bunga
  • Diamond White as Fuli
  • Atticus Shaffer as Ono
  • Dusan Brown as Beshte
  • Khary Payton as Rafiki (mentioned)
  • Lou Diamond Phillips as Ajani (indirectly mentioned)
  • Eden Riegel as Kiara (cameo)
  • Jason Marsden as Kovu (cameo)
  • Camila Cabello as Makini
  • Matthew Broderick as Simba
  • Moira Kelly as Nala 
  • Jorge Diaz as Mapigano 
  • Toks Olagundoye as Uheri
  • Steve Blum as Makucha (indirectly mentioned)
  • Jeff Bennett as Zazu (mentioned)

Groups []

Locations []

Animals []


  • This episode is the first time someone other than Kion or Mhina is listed first in the cast list.
  • In the original version of the story...
    • Nguruma would help the orphans at an orphanage, but this storyline was dropped.
    • Zazu would tell Nguruma that Amira wanted to see him, and the two lions would free Simba from underground. This was dropped in place of the new plot.
    • Kiara and Kovu would rescue Nguruma and help him, but they were reduced to cameos and replaced with the Lion Guard.
    • Kanu would appear as one of Nguruma's friends, but he was dropped.
    • Badili would help Nguruma deal with Mapigano, but he was dropped.
    • Mapigano would reappear and apologize to Nguruma, but this was dropped and replaced with Uheri dragging him off in the end.