The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Written by: Caldafox

Nadim's Story cover


Simba and Nala were nuzzling as they overviewed their kingdom from atop Pride Rock. Nala nuzzled into Simba's fluffy mane.

Then Zazu flew up to them rather fast. "Sire! There's a rogue lion pride in the Pride Lands!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Simba asked, getting up. "The lionesses noticed them on the hunting trip," Zazu replied. "You must come at once!"

"Let's go, Nala." Simba said. "We better sort this out." Nala sighed as she got up and followed her mate, not wanting their alone time to be interrupted.

The three made their way towards the nearest border of the Pride Lands. Sure enough, one adult male lion, adult lioness, and juvenile lioness were standing nearby.

"Greetings," Simba said to the male lion. "I am Simba, the King of the Pride Lands, and this is my mate, Nala. What business brings you to our home?"

"I'm Nadim," the male lion said. "And your home looks like a great place to settle down."

"But you didn't even bother to send a message back to the king about your 'idea'," Zazu added, clearly annoyed. "All you did was insult me and the lionesses!"

"Is that true?" Simba asked Nadim, and eyebrow raised. Zazu stuck his bill in the air, while Nadim just chuckled nervously.

"Because you have shown disrespect towards my pride and minister, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." Simba informed the rogue.

"We won't cause any more trouble if we stay," Hasina, Nadim's mate, chimed in. She glared at her mate, hopping he would prove her right, but he seem unfazed by her comment.

"Uh huh," Simba said, suspicious. "What she said," Nadim finally answered, looking at Hasina.

Simba was about to order the family to leave, but then two small cubs crawled out from between Hasina's front legs. They looked at Simba pleadingly, as did their older sister, Makeda, the pre-teen lioness.

Simba sighed, not wanting to turn the desperate cubs down. "Alright." He started. "You can stay. But only until you've located a territory of your own to settle in permanently."

"Thank you so much Simba," Nadim said, sarcasm in his tone. "We won't cause any trouble for you and your family."

Simba glared at the male lion before turning to leave with Nala and Zazu. The rogue family soon found an area they liked, with shade and rocks for lounging around on.

"Simba, are you sure you made the right decision?" Nala asked her mate as they walked home. "Seemed to me like that Nadim was anything but grateful!" Zazu added, as he flew next to the King and Queen.

"I didn't want those cubs to go on without a home." Simba answered. "I wouldn't want anyone to."

"Hopefully they will keep their word about not causing any trouble," Zazu said. "I believe in you, Simba." Nala said. "I'll help monitor the family when I go hunting."

"Where would I be without you?" Simba asked his mate. They nuzzled heads as they reached Pride Rock, Zazu smiling at them.

Kovu, Kiara and Vitani were waiting for them at the entrance of Pride Rock's main cave. "How did that go, Daddy?" Kiara asked her father.

"A new lion pride has been given permission to settle on the Pride Lands." Simba told them. "What?" All three asked.

"They needed a place to stay, and I didn't want to turn them down." Simba explained. "And they had cubs with them."

"I hope you made the right decision, Simba." Kovu told his father-in-law. "We'll help in any way we can."

"Thank you, Kovu." Simba said. He turned toward Nala, who was looking sad and doubtful.

As time went on, Nadim's small cubs soon grew into pre-teens, and then teenagers. By now, their sister Makeda was a young adult.

One day, the three siblings were horsing around near their selected spot of the Pride Lands. Their parents lay around on rocks.

"C'mon, Makeda, let's go!" Haki, the brother, told his older sister. "We're gonna pull a prank on Zazu and make him think there's trouble in the Pride Lands!" Asani, the youngest sister, said.

"Gee, guys, do you really think this is such a good idea?" Makeda asked her younger siblings.

"It's important to respect Zazu," Hasina said, coming over to them. "He serves and reports to Simba, and Simba is the one who let us stay in the Pride Lands. So you should revere and honor those who treat you well."

"Whatever, mom!" Haki said back. "Yeah, whatever!" Asani added.

Hasina sighed to herself, while Nadim laughed behind her on his rock. Hasina went back over to her mate. "Nadim, I think you should take the kids' misbehaving seriously." She told her husband. "It's not good for their character development."

"Let them do whatever they want." Nadim answered blankly. "It doesn't matter that much."

"Actually, it does," Hasina said, with a frown. "I don't want them to cause any trouble for Simba and his associates."

"Simba won't do anything about it," Nadim said, stretching and rolling around on his rock. "He'll just keep letting us stay here, because we haven't found our own turf yet."

Yes, especially since we haven't even looked. Hasina thought, but didn't say. She just groaned to herself as she went back by her children, while Nadim smiled to himself.

As time went on, Haki and Asani became even more troublesome, despite their mother and sister's pleads. Soon, Vitani and her Lion Guard got involved.

That day, Haki, Asani and Makeda had gotten very close to Pride Rock, without an escort from anyone and with no need of emergency. Makeda had tried to stop them, of course, but they didn't listen.

"Hey! What do you kids think you're doing?" Kasi asked them, speeding towards them. Imara, Shabaha and Tazama soon followed her. Vitani was the last one to arrive.

"Hey, aren't you two those rogue cubs that Simba let in the Pride Lands?" Imara inquired. "Yep, we sure are!" Haki answered, no shame in his game. "The name's Haki." "And I'm Asani!" The youngest teenager replied. Her and Haki snickered.

"Right," Shabaha said, with an eye roll. "I'm sorry about their attitudes," Makeda answered, coming up towards Vitani. "I'm their older sister, and my name's Makeda."

She offered her paw for Vitani to shake, but the Lion Guard leader just pushed it away. "Whatever your names are doesn't give you authority to get this close to Pride Rock." Vitani said. "There's no emergency, right?"

"No," all three answered.

"And you're not coming to visit, right?"

"No," all three answered again.

"Then you don't have any reason to be fooling around over here." Vitani said. "As leader of the Lion Guard, I order you to leave."

"Or what?" Haki demanded. Makeda elbowed him.

"You don't wanna know," Shabaha said, her manic laugh in the form of a giggle. "We do wanna know!" Asani answered. "Or is Simba's Lion Guard too wimpy to do anything about it?"

Vitani's Guard stared at Vitani in amazement, hardly believing what they just heard. "Get behind me," Vitani told her members, her teeth clenched and ears back.

Makeda stared in amazement when she saw Vitani aim a Roar of the Elders at Haki and Asani, sending them flying back towards their spot. Somehow Makeda avoided the blast, but didn't hesitate to run after her siblings.

Vitani growled. "I - I can't believe those two!" Tazama said. "My ears and eyes are in doubt!"

"That better be the last time they get near Pride Rock for no reason," Kasi said, very annoyed.

It would be the last time they did that, but not the last time they were blasted away. Haki and Asani grew to have no respect for Vitani, the Lion Guard, or the Roar of the Elders. They also had little to no respect for Simba, Nala, or Zazu.

Soon, they were the main issues the Lion Guard had to deal with. They were still hanging around the Pride Lands by the time Kopa, Simba and Nala's long-lost son, returned to the Pride Lands. He even witnessed one of Haki and Asani's shananigans.

One evening, Nala and Simba were watching the sun set together outside of Pride Rock. "Simba, I don't think Nadim or Hasina are looking for a new territory." Nala told her mate. "Their children are almost grown up now, and I've hardly even seen their parents go hunt."

"I know," Simba sighed. "I've wanted to do something about it for a long time now, but just haven't. The thought of kicking out a needy family - "

"But they're not needy anymore," Nala said. "Their cubs are old enough to be out on their own."

Nala looked at her mate understandingly. "Simba, I think it's time you make Nadim and his pride leave."

Simba looked down for a minute, and was met by Nala's loving gaze. He sighed again. "Nala, I think you're right."

The Queen smiled. "You were right all along," Simba told her. "I should have listened to you from the start."

"When will you make the decree?" Nala asked, snuggling into her husband's fluffy mane.

"I'll wait until Haki and Asani are a little older," Simba started, "So then Nadim won't have any grounds for an excuse."

"Good thinking, Simba." Nala said. The two lions nuzzled lovingly as the sun set beyond the horizon.

Soon, Nadim's lies would finally be proven wrong.

