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My Gift from the Outlands is a songfic by PrinceBalto.


Zara watches with pride as her hyena daughter becomes part of the Lion Guard


This is another songfic with a modified stage show song from The Ten Commandments: The Musical. Here, Zara watches as the new Lion Guard recieves their positions. As Jasiri is given the position of the "Purest of Heart", she sings this song, remembering her adoption of Jasiri.


It was a major day in the Pridelands. For the first time in a very long time, the Pridelands would have a Lion Guard to protect it. From a distance, Zara the leopardess, the female who had raised Simba as her own nephew and was now raising the hyena Jasiri as her daughter. One by one, she saw Kion give them their roles: Fuli was the fastest, Honey the bravest, Beshte the strongest and Ono the Keenest of Sight. Now, there was only one left: the Purest of Heart. Zara's heart filled with joy and pride as the title was bequeathed on her. Zara watched as the black-colored mark of the Guard appeared on Jasiri's left front shoulder. For a long moment, she remembered how the sweet-natured hyena cub had come into her life. In her mind, she gave voice to her feelings in her mind:

Zara (singing):

She is my gift

From the Outlands

A circle flowing back

To the source

The givers

Thicker than blood

Is the bond between us

Me and my gift

From the Outlands

And her name shall mean courage

And her name shall reveal our history

A cub embraced by another kind

From the great kings and queens

She came to me

Oh, she could remember those days as if they were yesterday. Jasiri was much smaller than she was now, and only barely able to talk and somewhat able to say her own name. She remembered the maternal feeling that she had gotten. It was the same feeling that she had gotten when she met Simba for the first time. Ah, she loved her daughter and would watch her career with great interest. With any luck, she would continue to help heal the negative view of hyenas in the Pridelands that had lasted since Scar's reign.
