The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Muhimu is a female zebra residing at the Pridelands. She is the leader of her herd at the Mbali Fields. She is the mother of Hamu.


Muhimu has black and white stripes and blue eyes. Her hooves, snout and tail is black. Her snout is long and she has a rounded build.


Muhimu is first seen as very argumentative, cantankerous, hot-tempered, and irritable, with little to no faith in the Lion Guard's ability to lead her herd. She is also extremely oversensitive and impatient, as is evident by her rushing into danger when she noticed her new grazing grounds. She is also able to show humility when necessary, sticking up for Kion when others start to lose faith. Towards the end of the journey, she becomes a much calmer entity, and has learned to trust the Lion Guard, as well as Swala and her herd. Muhimu has been described as a strong character. She even trusts Bunga to look after her son Hamu.


Son: Hamu


-Her name means "important/especially/particularly" in Swahili.
