Mpishi is a female harrier-hawk who was an intruder to the Pridelands. Her residence is unknown.
Mpishi has grey feathers, with black and white feathers on her bottom half. Her wing is tipped with black and she has orange around her eyes. Her beak is white, tipped with black and her talons are orange, with each toe having large black claws. Her eyes are dark brown.
Mpishi has been described as a foodie. Sneaky, clever, and persistent, Mpishi will go to great lengths to try new foods that her own homeland is lacking. She is capable of working with others and very swift in her attacks, but her biggest flaw is her attention, which can easily be swayed. She has a great disdain for carrion, preferring her food to be fresh.
-Her name means "chef" in Swahili.
-She is the only canon Lion King character (by Walt Disney) to have an unknown residency.