The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Moto I was a male African lion who was a hunter of Simba's Pride. He is now a Great Lion of the Past. He was the mate of Ziwa, and the father of Oba and Ayo.


Moto I had dusky brown fur with a lighter underbelly, paws and muzzle. His mane was orangey red, with streaks of lighter fur that resembles flames. His ears were rimmed with black, and his inner ears were tawny brown. He a orangey red tail tuft. He had a muscular build, with a very light pink nose, His eyes were green.


Moto I was a friendly and sociable lion, who enjoys living in a pride. He was also a great hunter, even taking down a hippopotamus with his hunter's group. He also really enjoyed hunting. He was caring to his cubs, Oba and Ayo.


Mate: Ziwa

Daughter: Oba

Son: Ayo

Son in law: Mkumila

Daughter in law: Kenya

Granddaughters: Dwala, Sarabi, Naanda, and Diku

Grandson: Keyon

Great-Grandsons: Simba and Alix

Great-Granddaughter: Kula

Adopted Great-Grandson: Malka


-His name means "fire" in Swahili.

-King Kion and Queen Rani (rulers of the Tree of Life) unintentionally named one of their cubs after him (Moto II).

-His design is loosely based of Fire, a lion from a Youtube series named "My Pride" by Tribbleofdoom.
