Prince Moto II is a male half African and Asiatic lion cub. He is a future member of the Night Pride and a prince of the Tree of Life. He is the third born son of King Kion and Queen Rani. His older brother is Prince Raja and his older sister is Princess Janya.
Moto II has golden fur, dark brown eyes, bright red mane tuft and brown nose. His underbelly, paws and muzzle is lighter in colour. His ears are rimmed with black. He has spots on his legs, similarly to his father, Kion when he was a cub. His tail tuft is bright red. Similarly to his mother, Rani, he has a darker stripe running across his back. His muzzle is large and he has a stocky build (not seen in pic.)
He is a social and friendly lion cub. He loves making friends with other animals at the Tree of Life. His best friends are the son of Bunga and Binga and the son of Fuli and Azaad. Like Fuli he hates getting wet in the water and like Kiara’s friend, Zuri, he loves keeping his claws shiny and sharp by sharpening on logs.
Mother: Rani
Father: Kion
Sister: Janya
Brother: Raja
Cousins: Maua, Ishara, Bakari and Akina
Grandfathers: Sãhasí and Simba
Great-Grandmothers: Sarafina, Janna and Sarabi
Great-Grandfathers: Mkali and Mufasa
Great Uncles: Mheetu and Surak
-His name means "fire" in Swahili.
-Unlike his older siblings, who have Hinduism names, Moto II has a Swahili name.
-He is unintentionally named after Sarabi's grandfather, Moto I.