The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Mohatu was a male lion. He was the mate of Hadiya, the father of Askari and Simama, and the first king of the Pride Lands.

He is a deceased character in Legends of the Lion Guard.

Appearance []

Mohatu's pelt is reddish-brown, while his muzzle, paws, and underbelly are paler in color. His mane is brown. His eyes are reddish-brown.


Mohatu was well known for being a wise king. He harbors a deep affection and loyalty toward his subjects, which was most prominent when he willingly leaves his homeland in search of a new water source for the Pride Lands.

He was a peacemaker, but could also be firm in his decisions and orders. Many animals look up to him for his bravery and strength, but will occasionally overlook him because of his peaceful nature. He was ultimately selfless and quite intelligent in his own regard.



Mohatu was the first king of the Pride Lands, coming to it in a state of extreme drought. With his leadership, he rallied animals in support of him and brought them to a new water source while also helping to restore the Pride Lands to glory days. He married Hadiya and ascended the throne, having two sons with her, Askari and Simama. Mohatu would live many more years before dying.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]



Trivia []

  • Mohatu is voiced by Ace Gibson.