The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Mkumila was a male lion who resided at the Pridelands. He is now a Great Lion of the Past. He was formerly a cub rearer of Simba's Pride. He was the mate of Oba and the father of Naanda, Queen Sarabi, Dwala and Diku.


Mkumila had taupe fur with a lighter underbelly, paws and muzzle. He has a dark brown mane and tail tuft. His ears are rimmed with black. His inner ears are tawny brown. His nose is dark grey and his eyes are red.


Mkumila was full of loyalty to Simba's Pride and swore to protect it. He was also very caring to his daughters.


Mate: Oba

Daughters: Naanda, Sarabi, Dwala and Diku

Son in law: Mufasa

Daughter in law: Adea

Grandson: Simba

Granddaughter: Kula

Adopted Grandsons: Leo and Mega

Granddaughter in law: Nala

Grandson in law: Tojo

Great-Grandsons: Kopa, Kion and Kondo

Great-Granddaughters: Kiara and Tulia

Mother in law: Ziwa

Father in law: Moto I


-His name is a variant of Kulia which means "Cry/Right'
