The Lion King Fanon Wiki


Mkali is the second mate of Sarafina and the father of Mheetu ,as well as Nala's stepfather.


Mkali was born in the Pridelands during Ahadi's reign. He was the leader of the Hunters of the pride. As an adult , he, Scar and Matoota fell in love with Sarafina. Matoota fathered Nala, but after his sudden death caused by Scar (Askari II/Taka) he became her step father. He also became the father of Mheetu. However , he died before the events of The Lion King from an illness.


Parents : Unknown

Mate: Sarafina

Step Daughter : Nala

Son : Mheetu

Son In Laws: Askari II/Taka (Scar) and Simba

Daughter In Law : Uziri


  • This character belongs to User: Sapphirejas and is used with her permission.
  • He and Matoota were originally going to be the same, but due to Timeline issues , they were made into two.
  • He was meant to be Nala's biological father.
  • He was meant to a member of Scar's Lion Guard.