The Lion King Fanon Wiki
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Miya is a lion cub. She is a daughter of Dotty and the younger sister of Majuto.

Physical appearance[]

Miya is a gray colored lioness cub with blue eyes. She has a black tail tip and black head stripe that goes down her back. Her muzzle, paws and stomach are a lighter gray color.


Miya is a playful and innocent young lion cub. She is much smaller than all the other cubs, thus having trouble keeping up with them all the time. She likes following her sister and mother around, although Dotty is annoyed by it, and is friendly, but more of a listener.


  • Miya means "temple" or "increasingly beautiful" in Swahili.
  • Her physical appearance used to be very different. She was a creamish-yellow color with no head stripe. Miya's physical appearance was changed so she would resemble her mother.
  • She is 3 months younger than Majuto.
  • Miya develops a crush on Nkosi upon meeting him.