The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Meerkats are animals that appear in The Lion King franchise.


Living in the deserts and grasslands of Africa, meerkats live in colonies of up to fifty members, and everyone participates in gathering food or scouting for predators. They are extremely social animals who live in burrows that they dig themselves. Meerkats are day animals who spend the daylight looking for food and protecting the youngsters from rival meerkats or predators.

Meerkats are shown to be tall and thin. They have pale brown fur with darker stripes on their backs and patches of cream on their chests. When aging, their furs become pale gray with whitish-gray chests. While the younger meerkats have red or blonde hair, the ones of the elderly are short-cropped gray.

Appearances in Fanfiction[]

Here are all the fanfictions that this animal makes an appearance in that are on this wiki. If your fanfiction includes meerkats, add it to this list.

Meerkats on the Wiki[]

All meerkats on the Wiki can be found here.

