The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Mbuni is a female ostrich who resides at the Pridelands. She is the leader of her flock. She is also the mother of Kambuni.


Mbuni is a slender ostrich with white and black feathers. Her neck is pinkish white and her legs are pinkish grey. On each foot she has two toes with dark grey claws. She also have a fringe of white feathers on her head and her beak is orange. Her eyes are blue.


Mbuni is shown to be very friendly, empathetic, compassionate, cheerful, and calm at most times ostrich. She is quick to take advice despite how poor it may seem (such as that from Bunga when he believes he is the wisest), and has confessed to being afraid of hyenas. When frightened, she will run in any manner of direction until she finds some sort of solace. Mbuni is also incredibly respectful for her King Simba, and will bow whenever she is in his presence.


Daughter: Kambuni


-Her name means "coffee tree/ostrich" in Swahili.
