The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Mbeya is a male black rhinoceros who resides at the Pridelands. He is the leader of his crash.


Mbeya has grey skin with wrinkles, with a hint of blue. His eyes are black. He has lighter grey flecks on his cheeks. He also have two massive light grey horns, with the front one being larger than his back. Mbeya’s ears are rimmed with dark grey with pink inner ears.


Mbeya is very loquacious, friendly, polite, talkative, magniloquent, communicative, unreserved, and chatty. He is also claimed to know the Pridelands "like the back of his horn". However, he can also be very stubborn, and quick in leaping to conclusions, such as with his and Zazu and Big Baboon's argument. But he is not above admitting when he is in the wrong, and issuing apologies where needed.


-His name means "Scandalmonger/Talebearer/gossip" in Swahili.
