Mbeya is a male rhinoceros. He is the leader of his crash.
He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.
An aged rhinoceros, Mbeya is massive, with blue-gray skin and black eyes. He has two long gray horns, one bigger than the other.
Mbeya is very loquacious, friendly, polite, talkative, magniloquent, communicative, unreserved, and chatty. He is also claimed to know the Pride Lands "like the back of his horn." However, he can also be very stubborn, and quick in leaping to conclusions. But he is not above admitting when he is in the wrong, and issuing apologies where needed.
Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]
The Pride Lands Games[]
Mbeya and his crash attend the Pride Lands Games.
The Ultimate Lion Guard Day[]
Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]
When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Mbeya is one of the many animals that has gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Later, Mbeya participates in the final battle for the Pride Lands.
- Mbeya is voiced by Howy Parkins.