The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Maua is an African lioness cub (part Asiatic) who resides at the Pridelands. She is a huntress in training and a member of Simba’s Pride. She is the daughter of Prince Kopa and Vitani, and the older sister of Ishara II.


Maua has creamy brown fur, teal eyes and pink nose. Her muzzle, underbelly and paws are lighter in colour. She lacks ear rims. Her muzzle is medium size and she has a lithe build.


Maua is more calm and reserved than her younger sister, Ishara.


Mother: Vitani

Father: Kopa

Sister: Ishara

Uncles: Kovu and Kion

Aunts: Kiara and Rani

Cousins: Bakari, Akina, Raja, Janya and Moto II

Grandmothers: Zira and Nala

Grandfathers: Chumvi and Simba

Great-Grandmothers: Azola, Sarafina, Sarabi and Ruhi

Great-Grandfathers: Ajabu, Mkali, Mufasa and Sharva

Great Uncle: Mheetu

Great Aunt: Tama


-Her name means "Flowers" in Swahili
