The Lion King Fanon Wiki
You will be missed. But if you feel in your heart it's time to go, then follow your heart.
Malka's mother bids farewell to Tama and Tojo

Malka's mother is a lioness. She is the mother of Malka and paternal grandmother of Kondo, Afua and Rogue.

Physical appearance[]

Malka's mother is a yellow-colored lioness with a white muzzle, chest, underbelly and paws. She is muscular with square features. Her nose is tan, as well as her tail tip. She has darker colored ear tips and light tan inside of ears.


Malka's mother is a motherly, caring and patient soul. She shows hospitality when others are in need and gladly welcomes visitors to her pride. She is also grateful when shown kindness.


  • Because all her grandchildren found mates, Malka's mother is also a great-grandmother.
    • She is the great-grandmother of Majuto and later Miya (Kondo's daughters), Tani (Afua's daughter), and Kamaria (Rogue's daughter).
  • She also has wisdom and likes to give lessons to children.
  • She is an active huntress.

