The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Wait until Bunga's gotten a head start before you start over. Sportsmanship like that won't win you the Pride Lands Games.
―Makuu to Okereke

Makuu is a male crocodile. He is the son of Pua, the brother of Kiburi, the mate of Mfukoni, and the current leader of his float.

He is a minor character in Legends of the Lion Guard.


Makuu has rich green scales broken by lighter green stripes on his back and tail. His muzzle, chest, and underbelly are lime-green in color. He has small dark green spiked scales along his back and tail, black claws, and periwinkle eyes with yellow sclerae.


Makuu is responsible, wanting to ensure the survival of his float. He appears to have gained respect for the Circle of Life and the monarchy. He is willing to negotiate peacefully for the benefit of his float and the other Pride Landers. He will also show respect towards those that behave as his species does, and he also will express gratitude if his life is saved. He is not very tolerant of anyone in his float going against his direct orders or disrespecting the Circle of Life. Makuu shows that he is able to forgive those that make a mistake. He also views the safety of his float as being more important than his own wellbeing.


Legends of the Lion Guard: Protectors of the Pride Lands[]

The Pride Lands Games[]

Makuu and his float participate in the swimming challenge of the Pride Lands Games, with their role being to bite any contestants, making them start over. He notices Okereke sabotaging Bunga, and bites him as payback, saying that he's cost the Back Lands the games. He adds that Simba and Chifu will be informed of his actions. Okereke doesn't care, but Makuu rebukes him and orders him to start over. In the running relay, Makuu confronts Okereke again when he trips Bunga, demanding what more he wants to lose. When he injures Bunga in the wrestling competition, Makuu comes forward and mentions the earlier incidents of Okereke's sabotaging.

Team Play[]

Kion says that he is glad Makuu caught on to Okereke's actions and told Simba and Chifu.

Wildfire Emergency[]

Per a report from Zazu, Makuu and his float are in hibernation for the dry season in a cave near their watering hole.

Legends of the Lion Guard: Battle for the Pride Lands[]

Makuu and Ma Tembo demonstrate a move called the "reverse reverse trunk whip" at Chakula Plains. Ma Tembo sends a branch flying with her trunk, and Makuu is impressed, praising her. Kion tells Makuu that it's now his turn to demonstrate, and he says that Mfukoni will aid him as a sparring partner. Kion reminds him not to cause real injuries, but he points out that he would never hurt a float member, beginning his session. Makuu whips his tail at Mfukoni, knocking her over, and he pins her, but she throws him off, impressing Kion. When Ono reports that Frerin, Nguruma, and Makini are being attacked by Reth's Pride at the watering hole, Kion assigns Beshte, Ma Tembo, and Makuu to help him handle Reth and his pride, and they rush to the watering hole.

Makuu decides to do an underwater ambush, swimming in the direction of Beshte and Frerin. After Nguruma is rescued, Ma Tembo and Makuu advance toward Reth's Pride, with Makuu warning them to leave before anyone gets hurt. In fear, they rush back to the Outlands. Makuu then states that he must return to his float, telling Kion to let them know when Nguruma recovers. When Scar commences his war on the Pride Lands, Makuu is one of the many animals gathered at the base of Pride Rock. Later, Makuu participates in the final battle for the Pride Lands, dueling Kiburi and eventually pinning him to the ground.

Legends of the Lion Guard: The Dark Prophecy[]

Makuu is one of the many animals gathered at Pride Rock when the Lion Guard departs for the Tree of Life.



  • Makuu is voiced by Blair Underwood.