The Lion King Fanon Wiki

There was a warm, sunny morning in the Pridelands.

Makuu's float decided to celebrate the birthday of their leader.

Makuu woke up after his morning nap and noticed that Akina and his float were nowhere to be found.

The crocodile began to call them, but no one answered or appeared. Makuu began to worry that something had happened to them.

The Crocodile leader left the watering hole and started looking for them.

He exhorted them along the way, hoping someone would answer.

Meanwhile, Akina and the rest of the float waited behind the hill to jump in the least expected by Makuu moment.

In the end they jumped out, and shouted, "Happy birthday !". Makuu was surprised, he didin't know that they would want to give him birthday wishes.

The leader of the crocodiles stood as if embedded, not knowing what to say, he was moved and surprised at the same time.

- Sorry, we surprised you, but only so could our surprise - Akina explained

- I'm surprised, I did not expect you to remember me, thank you - Makuu said

The float members began to give him wishes, one by one.

The first was Akina (as she was his mate and she was second-in-command too).

It was one of the best days in Makuu's life.
