The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Makeda is an adolescent lioness. She is the oldest daughter of Nadim and the older sister of Haki and Asani.

Physical appearance[]

Makeda is a sleek lioness with reddish-brown fur. She has red eyes, black eyebrows, and a black hooked nose. Her face is pointed, and the ends of her ears are tufted. She has a medium almond muzzle, chest, stomach and paws. Makeda also has freckles below each of her eyes.


Unlike her siblings and father, Makeda is decent and considerate. She can be friendly and tries her best to help in a bad situation (most of the times, one her siblings have caused). She mostly minds her own business with her mother, or goes hunting with Hasina.


  • Her cub image is created by Av and is used with her permission.
  • Makeda has red eyes, which is strange because all the rest of her family has green eyes.
    • She probably gets her red eyes from her maternal grandparents, Ni and Goldie.
  • Her name is Ethiopian and Hebrew, and it means "beautiful" in Ethiopian and "bowl" in Hebrew.
  • She gets her red colored fur from her mother.

Lineart credit:

  • Adult Makeda - Julius-Rocks
  • Younger Makeda - CM-PitBull