The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Prince Majinuni is a male gorilla who resides at Theluji Mountains. He's a member of Sokwe's Troop He is the son of King Sokwe and an unnamed queen, and the younger brother of Prince Hafifu.


Majinuni is slimmer than his older brother, Hafifu, yet he is still a bulky gorilla. He has gray fur all over his body and a dark beige chest. His face, hands, feet and ears are a lighter beige. His nose is slightly pinkish in colour. He also have darker gray fur rimming the bottom half of his chest and the bottom half of his arms and legs. His eyes are brown.


Majinuni has been described as 'buffoonish'. He is incredibly silly and immature, often making juvenile actions towards his brother, Hafifu. He does not recognize sarcasm and treats it as serious. Majinuni is particularly worried about disappointing his father, Sokwe, even going so far as to take up missions which he is truly incapable of completing in an attempt to please him. He wishes to feel like a prince just like Kion does, and is overjoyed (and often surprised) when he is praised.


Mother: Unnamed

Father: Sokwe

Brother: Hafifu


-His name means "buffoon/clown/crazy" in Swahili.
