The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Madoa is a female spotted hyena who resides at the Outlands. She is a member of Jasiri’s Clan and an outlander. She is the daughter of Moyo, the younger sister of Asante, and the older sister of Jasiri.


Madoa has grey fur with a purple tint. Her eyes are brown and her nose is black. Her underbelly is a tan colour. She has a purple mane from her head to her back, with lighter streaks in it. Her muzzle is purple, along with her spots on her back. Her paws and tails are black and her ears are rimmed with black.


Not much is currently known about Madoa, but she is shown to be friendly, caring and sometimes rather skeptical, as she is hesitant to believe that lions and hyenas can be friends. She is graceful in admitting when she is wrong and enjoys seeing her sister happy. She is shown as very nurturing and often places the needs of the younger hyenas above her own when there is a problem as shown in Lions of the Outlands, when she notes that Wema and Tunu need water the most more than she does.

She is understanding of her pack's strengths and weaknesses when the rest of her pack couldn't fight Janja's clan without her sister's guidance.


Mother: Moyo

Sisters: Asante and Jasiri

Brother in law: Janja

Niece: Amara

Nephews: Jaja and Jabali

Mother in law: Shenzi

Father in law: Banzai


-Her name means "spots/freckles" in Swahili.
