The Lion King Fanon Wiki

Ma Tembo is a female African elephant who resides at the Pridelands. She is the leader of her herd. She is the daughter of Aminifu (the former leader of her herd).


Ma Tembo has pinkish grey skin, blue eyes and white tusks. Her underbelly is lighter in colour. Her tail tuft darker in colour. Her ears are pink.


Ma Tembo is shown to be humorous, kind, easygoing, and compassionate. She is very forgiving, and she appears to view things from an optimistic perspective. She is very sympathetic, even to those who attack her and very protective towards the young ones in her herd. Like, Simba she also views tradition as extremely important and works hard to make a first impression.

She is a brave leader who won't hesitate to put herself in danger to save the more vulnerable animals, both in her herd and in the Pride Lands. Ma Tembo perseveres through difficult times.


Father: Aminifu


-The first part of her name, "Ma" means mother, and the second part of her name "Tembo" means elephant in Swahili.

-Despite her name, Ma Tembo never became a mother, focusing instead on her leadership duties that was passed down from her deceased father, Aminifu.
