The Lion King Fanon Wiki

This is a list of terms used by PrinceBalto in his stories.

List of terms

The page pic

About these terms[]

These are terms that appear in PrinceBalto's remakes of TLK and TLG. Some are Swahili, while others are not.

List of terms[]

  • Purest of Heart- An additional role on the Lion Guard, exclusive to this version. The title denotes the member who is least susceptible to evil temptations. In The Lion Guard: The Legend Begins Anew, this role was held by Jasiri and then by Kion and Fuli's adopted daughter Asha, who was a member of the next Lion Guard.
  • Tetrarch- A rare title in the royal family denoting a sort of royal-blooded governor. At the Ukumbusho, Simba granted this role to Kion so that he could assist Kiara in the future, as she could not be everywhere at once.
  • Mjumbe- The royal messenger. Honey grants herself the role of being the Mjumbe for Kion, though she has not been officially given the title by Simba.
  • Ilikubaliwa- An adopted offspring, regardless of species. Jasiri is referred to by this term often by her mother Zara.

[More to come soon]
