This is a page for all characters that don’t have a page and are waiting for one, background or very minor characters, or character ideas. Some parts are likely to be deleted or will have a tag above them to say that they have a page now and can go to it. Example: This character already has a page. Please proceed to here.
Waiting List[]
This is a waiting list for all who need a page.
- Asp
- Prince Russom
- Nala
- Princess Malika
- Evil Lions
- Aazad
- Nuka
- Mufasa
- Sarabi
- Mohatu
- Askari
- Igor’s cubs
- Varya, Arjun, and their cubs
- Ayabu and Ambar
- Mama Binturong
- Makutcha
- The Eclipse Pride
- Imara
- The rest of Vitani’s guard
- Gorilla Princes
- Timon
- Pumbaa
- Reirei
- Dogo
- Goigoi
- Zira
- Adam
- Surak
- Nirmala
- Anada
- Sahasi
- Baliyo
- Strange Lion
- Strange Cobra
- Rafiki
- Makini
- Hadithi
- Fikiri
- Kitendo
- Chumvi
- Simba’s maternal aunt, cousins, and uncle.
- Beng Beng
- Dakari
Spotty was a adult female lioness that was the adoptive sister of the strange lion and Zira. She was extremely feisty. Spotty eventually died from wounds. She has a light tan pelt, some dots on her legs, a paler underbelly and muzzle, and spots near her neck.
Spotty has never spoken in the franchise. If she ever did, she would speak little dialogue. Spotty’s birth parents are unknown. Spotty hates zebras.
Askari’s Guard[]
Jabari was a kind and strong adult lion. Not much is known about him.
Kamili was an observant and respectful adult lion. Not much is known about him.
Adia was a brave and listening adult lioness. Not much is known about her.
Faraji was a fast and encouraging adult lion. Not much is known about him expect that he liked spring.
Mbiyu is a adult male egret. He is the mate of a unnamed female egret and Ono. Mbiyu is a background character and minor character in several pieces of media.
He is a very alert father who tries to do his best to protect his son, Ono after an egg incident. Mbiyu is respectful to his flock and will do anything to protect it. After Ono left for the Tree Of Life, Mbiyu is finding out a way to communicate with Ono.
Scar’s Guard[]
Scar’s Guard was a group of lions that were lead by Scar. They were killed by Scar for not doing his wishes.
Jabari II[]
Jabari II was a light tan adolescent lion that wore a dark brown mane with red lines at the bottom and a paler underbelly and muzzle. He took his job seriously, and was very respectful. Jabari II hated the idea of killing. His last known location was The Lion Guard Headquarters. Jabari II survived Scar’s roar, but shortly died after out of wounds and falls.
Nguvu was a light tan adolescent lion that wore a light brown mane with light cream lines on the top. He had a pale underbelly and muzzle. Nguvu enjoyed watching others and preferred not to get too involved in arguments. He had excellent vision. Nguvu was adopted by two lions after their cub got lost. His last known location was The Border. Nguvu did not survive Scar’s Roar at all, as he was the weakest of them.
Abdalla was a dark light tan adolescent lion that wore a dark brown mane with small red lines on top. He had a paler muzzle and underbelly. Abdalla was very brave and much like Ani. His last known location was The Border. He was the second to die from the roar, trying to protect Jabari II from the roar.
Kasi was a pale brown adolescent lion that wore a light brown mane with darker shading. He had a pale underbelly, muzzle, and paws. Kasi had a small marking on his head that resembled a boomerang. He had a dark stripe across his back. Kasi liked Scar’s strange plans, but disagreed to follow his plan of killing Mufasa. His last known location was the Lion Guard Headquarters. Kasi managed to escape Scar’s roar, but shortly died from exhaustion and wounds. Kasi was said to be very fast and had good relationships with the royal family.
Rafiki’s Father[]
Rafiki’s Father was an adult male mandrill, mentioned by many characters. He was described as wise, smart, and a great mentor. Rafiki’s Father likely died of old age.
Mphisi is an adult female harrier hawk. She is cold, persistent, sneaky, rude, and clever. Mpishi was raised with terrible food, or food that didn’t fit her species diet. This was of her miserable habitat. In doing so, she attacked several Pridelanders for food. Mphishi was defeated by Ono and left the Pridelands. She currently resides at Ghost Mountain.
Tenuk is a calf male tapir. He was under Mama Binturong’s cruel, unofficial rule. Tenuk is respectful, and tries to help the best he can. He never says tuliza due to Mama Binturong being obsessed with it.