The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Kovu (Rebbystar's Fanfics)
My Kovu
Pride Landers
Simba's Pride
Pride Lands
Outsiders (formerly)
Outlands (formerly)
Outlanders (formerly)
King of the Pride Lands
Prince of the Pride Lands (formerly)

Kovu is the king of the Pride Lands during Kiara's reign. He is the son of Kunda and Hali, the brother of Vitani, the adopted son of Zira and Scar, the adopted brother of Nuka, the mate of Kiara, the son-in-law of Simba and Nala, the brother-in-law of Kopa, Kion & Tiifu, the uncle of Dunia, Kidole and Haki and the father of Petali, Kono and Chatatu.


Kovu could be described differently during two stages of his life:

Formerly: Menacing, vengeful, hardened, deceptive, aggressive, arrogant, violent, cocky, crude, ruthless and unkind.

Later: Kind, caring, friendly, brave, serious, protective, affectionate, good-hearted, fun-loving, cheerful and calm.


As a cub Kovu was small and slender with; auburn fur, tan muzzle, underbelly and paws, black nose, with a dark brown mane and emerald green eyes but as an adult he became muscular and gained a pink scar over his right eye.


Father: Kunda

Mother: Hali

Sister: Vitani

Adopted Father: Scar

Adopted Mother: Zira

Adopted Brother: Nuka

Mate: Kiara

Daughter: Petali

Daugther-in-law: Futa

Sons: Kono & Chatatu

Son-in-law: Tofauti

Nephews: Dunia & Kidole

Niece: Haki

Father-in-law: Simba

Mother-in-law: Nala

Brothers-in-law: Kopa & Kion

Sister-in-law: Tiifu

Grandfathers-in-law: Mufasa & Sukumo

Grandmothers-in-law: Sarabi & Sarafina

Great Grandfathers-in-law: Ahadi, Udevu & Utkufu

Great Grandmother:-in-law: Uru, Savia & Doka

Great Great Uncle-in-law: Madini & Jiwe

Great Great-first-Cosuins-in-law: Shaba & Nyama

Great Great Uncle-in-law: Hasira & Mwiba

Great Great Aunt-in-law: Johari

Great Great Great Grandfather-in-law: Mohatu

Great Great Great Grandmother-in-law: Upole

Great Great Great Great Grandfather-in-law: Kubwa, Kipigo & Kiyma 

Great Great Great Great Grandmother-in-law: Asali, Refu & Anguka

Great Great Great Great Uncle-in-law: Ukuu

Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather-in-law: Fundo

Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother-in-law: Mzee

Great Great Great Great Great Aunt-in-law: Kati & Zadi

Great Great Great Great Great Great Uncle-in-law: Askari

Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandmother-in-law: Mwenzi

Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather-in-law: Kifalme

Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Great Grandfather-in-law: Eneo


  • His name is Swahili for scar
  • He was named after Scar.
  • His parents were killed by Zira.
  • He has always cared for Nuka and even took the cubs once to his grave.
  • He thinks of Simba as a father figure.
  • At fist he and Kion disliked each other, but eventually got along.
  • He thinks of Kopa as a real brother and respects him deeply.
  • He learned his great hunting skills from Zira.
  • He was put thru brutal training as a cub till he was a young adult.
  • A part inside of Kovu was good during his training knowing what he was doing was wrong.
  • He longed to meet Kiara again until he was a teen and got more serious with training.
  • He succeeded Simba and Tofauti is planned to succeed him.