The Lion King Fanon Wiki
Kovu (Percy's Fanfics)
Outsiders (formerly)
Pride Landers
Pride Lands Monarchy
Prince consort of Pride Rock
Stories of the Pride Lands

Prince Kovu is the son of Chumvi and Zira.


Kovu's pelt is auburn, while his muzzle, paws, and underbelly are paler in color.

His mane is dark brown. His eyes are green. 


Having grown up under the care of the scheming Zira, Kovu is aggressive and crude, even as a cub. Upon first meeting Kiara, his first reaction is to snarl a challenge, and the only game he appears to understand is play-fighting. His violent tendencies are reinforced by a knack for taking care of himself, as he is physically fit and an able hunter, two features that make way for his more arrogant and cocky side. Even as a cub, Kovu strives to please and takes no shame in showing off to the more innocent Kiara. However, when faced by his mother, Kovu is submissive and prone to showing his softer side, exposing a desire to befriend and treat kindly the new cub he has just met.

This softer side is beaten down by Zira as he grows older, though it does not entirely disappear. As a young adult, Kovu retains his arrogance, though his skills have taken a deadly turn, sharpened by his growth into a skilled hunter and killer. He remains violent, but his temper appears to have improved, as he tends to be more patient with Kiara, though no kinder than before. His attempts to kill Simba are slick, and he proves himself to be a good actor by tricking Simba's entire pride into believing that he's changed for the better; despite Simba detecting malicious intent early on.

After meeting Kiara again as a young adult, Kovu begins to cave to his inner good, proving himself to enjoy laughter and good times. His dark side occasionally slips in, as seen when he can only pinpoint violent pictures among the stars, and his ties to Scar and his mother continuously bog him down. He does ultimately choose to betray his pride, revealing that even years of evil and violence cannot destroy the kindness in his heart. He becomes gentler with Kiara and more respectful of her, no longer mocking her for that which she cannot do. Having shown his good side, Kovu matures into a character who is always willing to do the right thing, even if it means disappointing those he loves.


Father: Chumvi

Mother: Zira

Sister: Vitani

Stepfather: Scar

Stepmother: Kula

Half-Brothers: Nuka and Chumvi Jr.

Half-Sister: Kula Jr.

Mate: Kiara

Sons: Percy and Jake

Daughter: Tiffany

Grandparents: Ludwig and Lillie

Nieces: Vitani Jr. and Kiara II

Nephews: Bob, Lucas, Kion Jr. and Kovu II

Father-in-law: Simba

Mother-in-law: Nala

Brothers-in-law: Kopa and Kion

Sister-in-law: Fuli

Grandparents-in-law: Mufasa, Sarabi, Ni and Sarafina

Great-Aunts-in-law: Diku, Dwala and Naanda

Great-Uncle-in-law: Jared

Uncle-in-law: Mheetu

Adopted Uncle-in-law: Bunga

Adopted Great-Uncles-in-law: Timon and Pumbaa

Adopted Great-Grandparents-in-law: Enos and Ma

Adopted Great-Great-Uncle-in-law: Max

Great-Grandparents-in-law: Ahadi, Uru, Stewie and Francine

Great-Great-Grandparents-in-law: Mohatu and Angelina

Great-Great-Great-Uncles-in-law: Kusho and Askari

Great-Great-Great-Grandparents-in-law: Michael and Elizabeth

Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparents-in-law: Henry and Margaret

Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Aunts-in-law: Lisa and Haven

Great-Great-Great-Great-Great-Grandparents-in-law: Joseph and Tanya


  • His children refer to him as Daddy.
  • His nieces and nephews (except for Kovu II) refer to him as Uncle Kovu.
  • His best friend is Kopa.
  • He, Kion, and Percy enjoy spending time together.
  • Kovu and Kiara helped Simba and Nala raise Kion.
  • He knows about Kion and Fuli's relationship.
  • Kovu has a great relationship with his children.
  • He dotes on his nieces and nephews (except for Kovu II).
  • He is a skilled hunter.
  • Kovu has a good relationship with Matembo and Vuruga Vuruga.
  • He is friends with Tiifu and Zuri
  • Kovu has a good relationship with Simba and Nala.