Kopa was Simba and Nala oldest son, Kiara and Kion older brother, Yuki,Buddha,Mirai, Christa,Zamitsu and Mika uncle, Vitani's love interest and, had he not been killed, he would have become the future king of the pridelands.
He was killed by Zira.
Kopa has never met his younger siblings, as he was killed a week before Kiara was born.
Members of his family:[]
father: Simba (decased)
mother: Nala
siblings: Kiara (younger sister), Kion (younger brother)
love interest: Vitani
nephew: Kion's childrens:Yuki,Buddha and Mirai; Kiara's childrens: Christa,Zamitsu and Mika
Kopa era in figlio maggiore di Simba e Nala, il fratello maggiore di Kiara e Kion,lo zio di Yuki,Buddha,Mirai,Christa,Zamitsu e Mika, l'interesse amoroso di Vitani e, se non fosse stato ucciso, sarebbe diventato il futuro re delle Terre del Branco.
È stato ucciso da Zira.
Kopa non ha mai conosciuto i suoi fratelli minori, poiché è morto una settimana prima della nascita di Kiara