The Lion King Fanon Wiki

I know. Then I heard you were at the Tree of Life, and I had to come.

Kopa is Kion and Kiara's brother.

Appearance []

Kopa has a golden pelt with a brown head tuft. His eyes are brown, and there is a scar on his leg from an unknown accident.

As he ages, his pelt color fades.


As a cub, Kopa was playful and energetic. He loved to play with Kiara, but felt jealous of her sometimes.

When Kopa ran away, he became cruel and coldhearted.

Kopa realized what he was doing was wrong, and he changed his ways.



Kopa was always getting into trouble, and because of this, he felt like Kion and Kiara were loved by Simba and Nala more.

He was tempted to hurt them, so he ran away for their safety. It was in the Outlands where he met Asante. The two were best friends.

Back in the Pride Lands[]

Kopa serves as a minor character, as he returns to the Pride Lands. This surprises his family, and they are glad to see him

The Reunion with Jasiri's Clan[]


Parents: Simba and Nala

Brother: Kion

Sisters: Kiara, Asante (Adopted)


  • Kopa has self esteem issues
  • The infant image was drawn by Princess ava15, and is used with permission
  • Kopa is the youngest